J9九游会官网菱镁公司所生产的轻烧镁球 Light burned magnesium balls produced by Bohai Magnesite
发布日期:2016-03-16 00:00 来源:http://www.jialanrihua.com 点击:
GB/T 5069.1-2001 镁质及镁铝(铝镁)质耐火材料化学分析方法 重量法测定灼烧减量
GB/T 5069.2-2001 镁质及镁铝(铝镁)质耐火材料化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定二氧化硅量
GB/T 5069.11-2001 镁质及镁铝(铝镁)质耐火材料化学分析方法 络合滴定法测定氧化钙、氧化镁量
GB/T 5072-1985 致密定形耐火制品常温耐压强度试验方法
Light burned magnesium ball
1 Scope
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, identification and quality certificates of light-burned magnesium balls.
This standard applies to the company's converter steelmaking with magnesium slag for light burning magnesium balls.
2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents have become the clauses of this standard after being referenced. For dated reference documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding the content of errata) or revised editions are not applicable to this standard. However, it is encouraged that parties that have reached agreement under this standard can use the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest version is used in this standard.
GB / T 5069.1-2001 Magnesium and magnesium aluminum (aluminum-magnesium) refractories chemical analysis method Gravimetric determination of ignition loss
GB / T 5069.2-2001 Magnesium and magnesium aluminum (aluminum-magnesium) refractories chemical analysis method Molybdenum blue photometric method for determination of silicon dioxide
GB / T 5069.11-2001 Methods for chemical analysis of magnesia and magnesia-aluminum (aluminum-magnesium) refractories Determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide by complexometric titration
GB / T 5072-1985 Test method for room temperature compressive strength of dense shaped refractory products
化学成分(%) SiO2
MgO S 水分 质检指标
3.2 粒度要求:40~60mm,其中小于5mm者不大于5%。
抗压强度:≥1.5 KN/个
4.1灼减的检验按GB/T 5069.1-2001进行。 4.2 化学分析按2规范性引用文件进行。 4.3 压迫力的检验按GB/T 5072-1985进行。 4.4 轻烧镁球的粒度检验按GB/T 2007进行 5检验规则
5.2 组批:产品每批不超过500吨;
5.3 每批取样应不少于15公斤,并从各样袋中均衡取样。 5.3 轻烧镁球的质量检查和验收应符合YB/T 5142的规定。 6质量检验
6.1轻烧镁球的质量判定以常规分析结果为依据。 6.2轻烧镁球的质量判定以每批的化学分析结果为依据。 7贮存、运输及质量证明书
3 technical requirements
3.1 The chemical composition and physical properties of lightly burned magnesium balls should meet the requirements of the following table:
Chemical composition (%) SiO2
MgO S moisture quality inspection index
Spot check
3.2 Particle size requirement: 40 ~ 60mm, among which less than 5mm is not more than 5%.
Compressive strength: ≥1.5 KN / each
4 Inspection methods and inspection rules
4.1 Burn-down inspection shall be conducted in accordance with GB / T 5069.1-2001. 4.2 Chemical analysis was carried out according to 2 normative references. 4.3 Inspection of compression force shall be carried out according to GB / T 5072-1985. 4.4 The particle size inspection of lightly burned magnesium balls shall be conducted in accordance with GB / T 2007. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The quality inspection of lightly burned magnesium balls is the responsibility of the quality department. The quality department reports the analysis results to the relevant units as soon as possible after receiving the samples.
5.2 Group batch: each batch of product does not exceed 500 tons;
5.3 Sampling of each batch shall be not less than 15 kg, and samples shall be taken from each sample in a balanced manner. 5.3 The quality inspection and acceptance of lightly burned magnesium balls shall meet the requirements of YB / T 5142. 6 quality inspection
6.1 The quality judgment of lightly burned magnesium balls is based on the results of routine analysis. 6.2 The quality judgment of lightly burned magnesium balls is based on the chemical analysis results of each batch. 7 certificate of storage, transportation and quality
7.1 Lightly burned magnesium balls are packed in polypropylene woven bags, 1 ton per bag, to ensure that the internal goods are not exposed and leaked, and the product name and supplier name are marked; each batch must be accompanied by a quality certificate.
7.3 The chemical analysis report of the quality inspection department should indicate: product name, inspection serial number, inspection results, inspection date and inspector.
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